2M DVRs installation guide, 2M Technology Inc. is a leading provider of complete end to end low voltage Audio Video solutions to the homeland security, institutional and commercial market segments. The company offers a full suite of integrated intrusion, video and audio security solutions.
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ToggleHow to Access Device from Web 2M DVRs
When devices are connected to the network, they can also be accessible from a computer. The first thing you need to make sure of is that the computer you are using and the DVR/NVR are connected to the same network (network is coming from the same router for both devices). You will first need to obtain the IP address of the DVR/NVR from Menu → System → Network → IPv4 address.
After noting the IP address of your device, open Internet Explorer and in the address search bar type in the DVR/NVR IP address. If the NVR and the computer are on the same network then it will pull up the login page of the DVR/NVR. The credentials will be the same as when you log into the local interface of your device.

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How to Find the Serial Number Using 2M Tool
Click here to download 2M Tool
2M Tool is used to find the IP address of your 2M NVR, DVR, or IP camera, as well as limited management of its settings. You only need to make sure that the computer you are using 2M Tool on is connected to the same network as the device that you are trying to search for.
Why do we need the serial number? The serial number is mainly used in case of a customer needing a password reset on their device.
How do we find the serial number? There are a few ways to find the number:
- sticker on the device
- sticker on the box that the device came in
- web page client of the device
- using 2M Tool
In the case that you forget the password for you device in which you will not be able to access the web page, and the camera is too high up to reach to find the sticker, you can use 2M Tool to find the serial number. 2M Tool does not automatically show the number; you must force it to show. First, you will need to click on the Settings icon to show the options:

Then another window will open where you can select Serial Number to show.

Once you hit OK, the serial number will then appear.

How to Install Plugin for Internet Explorer
This article features screenshots from our 2MN-8XXX series NVR and our 2MT-4XXX series DVR, but the same principle will apply to any other recorder. This is because each recorder requires a plugin in order to view the cameras on the web page. You will have to manually install the plugin, but it is usually always provided as a link for easy access.
First, you must make sure that you are using Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer is the only browser that can support these plugins. It is possible for some devices to be viewed on Google Chrome or even Firefox, but then other functions are very limited so it is highly not recommended to use those browsers. Once Internet Explorer is open, and you navigate to the device’s web page by entering the IP address, there should be a link shown on the page. You can see on the picture below that the link is located on the top of the page.

When you click on the link, a pop-up will appear on the bottom of the page that will let you choose whether to Run the program or Save the program onto your computer. Note: Running the program will not save it. If you wish to save the program, please select Save. Once it has finished downloading, then you can run the program from the file location.

If you choose to Run the program, an error message will appear noting that the publisher couldn’t be verified. This is no issue; the plugin will not cause any harm to your computer. Hit Run, and run the installation. Some installations will require you to close out of Internet Explorer in order to complete the setup.

Once the setup is complete, refresh the page, and another message will pop-up on the bottom that asks you to Allow the add-on to run. Select Allow, and log into the page. Now you should be able to view your cameras on the web page.

How to Set Up 2M Guard
2M Guard is the phone app that we use for our NVR’s to view cameras from our phones offsite.
This app only works for models: 2MT-4004, 2MT-4008, 2MT-4088, 2MT-4016, 2MN-8004-P4, 2MN-8008-P8, 2MN-8116-P16, 2MN-8232-P16 and our IP cameras.
- Find the Register Code and/or QR Code for your DVR/NVR
- on NVR menu: Menu → System → Network → P2P OR Menu → Network → P2P
- on web menu: Setup → Network → P2P
2. Two ways to add a device onto the app:
- Star4Live
- directly on the app
Method 1: Adding Device Through Star4Live
- Go to https://www.star4live.com/login
- Click on Login if you already have an existing account or Sign Up if you do not

- Once you have logged in, click on Add and another window will pop up prompting for a Device Name and Register Code. Once all of the required information has been filled out, hit OK and your device should show up under My Cloud Devices.

- Once you have successfully added the device on Star4Live, open the app and log into your account using the same credentials that you created/used on star4live.com
- Go to Live View and tap the icon in the upper right corner to select a device
- Select the device you would like to view
- Start live view
Method 2: Adding Device Directly on the App
- When you first download the app it will prompt you to either Sign Up or Login
- Tap on Login if you already have an existing account or Sign Up if you do not

- Open up the app menu and go to Devices. This section shows all of the devices that have been added onto your account. To add another one, tap on Add at the top of the screen.

- You can choose to add the device by scanning the QR code or by manually inputting the Register Code. To move forward with either of these options, you will need to tap on Scan

- A screen will appear for you to scan a QR code. If you choose to scan this is where you will do it, but if you choose to manually enter the Register Code, tap on the edit icon on the bottom.

- Once all of the correct information has been filled out, hit the Save icon in the upper right corner.
- In order to see the cameras, open the app menu and tap on Live View
- At first, it will look blank. This is because we need to add the cameras to the windows. Tap on the Add icon in the upper right corner

- A list of your devices will appear. Select the one that you want to view and hit Start Live View on the bottom

- Now you can view your cameras on the go!
How to Set Up 2M Station
When first running the program, it will prompt you for a username and password which will be admin/123456 by default. It is recommended that you change the password after installation.

Once you are logged in it will show the menu. Click on Device Management to add any devices. On the left side make sure that Encoding Device is selected. It will show at the bottom of the screen any devices that are online as long as the computer is on the same network as the devices.

There are two methods to add an online device. The first method is fairly simple. All you need to do is check the box for the NVR that shows under Online Device and then click Add. The second method to adding an online device is to manually add it. First click on Add next to Managed Device, and it will open another window where you can input the details of your device. It will ask for:
- Device Name → can be any name for your device
- IP/Domain → local or public IP address of NVR
- Port → port number of NVR
- Username → username of NVR
- Password → password of NVR
After putting in all of the correct information of your device, click on Add and then the device should come online.
Another method to add a device is by using the P2P method which allows for a user to view their cameras offsite from any location. The device will be added as a Cloud Device instead of an Encoding Device.

It will show Login and Register buttons that will link to your Star4Live account which will show the devices you have previously added. After logging in, it will take a minute or two for the devices to show online. At first, it will say Offline (Connecting…), but eventually the status will show Online.

After successfully adding all of your devices, go back to the menu and click on Live View to view your cameras. A list of online devices will show on the left side of the window. Click and drag the device into the window view in order to load all of the video. If not all of the cameras are wanted in view, you can click on the plus sign next to your device and it will show a list of cameras connected to the NVR. You can click and drag specific cameras onto the live view screen.

How to Set Up Email Notifications Using Gmail
Gmail will have automatic security settings that need to be disabled before configuring email settings in the NVR. You will need a computer in order to edit these settings. First, log on to your Gmail account and then click on the square icon in the upper right corner of the page. Click on Account.

Security → Scroll to the bottom until you find “Less secure app access” → “Allow less secure apps: ON”

Now that Gmail has been set to allow app access, we can move on to the NVR settings. These can either be configured through the web page or through the NVR itself.
Through the DVR/NVR: Main Menu → Network → Basic → Email
Through the webpage: Setup → Network → Email
- Server Authentication: On
- Username: email that you will be sending from (can be a throwaway email)
- Password: password of email account
- SMTP server: smtp.gmail.com
- SMTP port: 465
- Enable TLS/SSL
- Can choose to attach image or not
- Sender: sender name
- Sender’s address: email address (same as username)
- Recipient: any recipient name
- Recipient address: email address of recipient
- Test email
After you finish entering all of the settings and the test is successful go to Camera → Motion → Select Camera → Trigger Actions → Send Email

How to Share a Device
Each NVR can only be added by one account at a time, so if one wants to add a device onto multiple accounts they would need to share the device with one account being the “main” account. This means that one person will have the device added to their account and that person will share the device with other people. Each person still must have their own Star4Live account.
How to share the device is simple. First, you will need to log onto the main Star4Live account which the NVR has been added to. It can be done either through the computer or your personal phone.
Sharing from Computer: after logging into the account your list of added devices will appear. Click Share on the row for the device you are wanting to share.

Then a menu will appear to enter the account you want to share to, the Valid Till date, User Rights, and any Description you want to give.

- Share To → can either be the username or the email of the Star4Live account you are sharing to
- Valid Until → can go up to X amount of years, months, or just a few days
- Permission → can choose any user rights that have already been configured on the NVR (admin, etc.)
- Remarks → can give a short description to the recipient about the device that is being shared
Once all of the information has been correctly filled out, click Confirm to successfully share.
Sharing from 2M Guard Phone App: after logging into your Star4Live account on the 2M Guard app, go to your Devices and then tap on the device that you want to share. A small menu will appear. Then tap Share on the bottom of the screen.

The next window will show the device and a list of the cameras that are connected and online. You can choose specific cameras, or select the device so that the entirety of its cameras are selected for sharing.

Once your device(s) has been selected, the Share menu will finally appear. The app will ask for the same information as the computer does, but it will not give a space to fill out a description. Fill out the Share To and the Valid Period the same as you would do on the desktop instructions written above. The only other difference between the Star4Live browser and the app is the sharing Type: you will be able to choose between Role or Function.

- Role: can choose a specific user or role to share to another user
- Function: can choose specific functions to share to another user with Live View being automatically selected by default
NOTE: Only admin rights will allow another user to access the device through the web browser or through 2M Station because they both allow a user to make changes to the device. If you do not wish for another user to be able to make any kind of changes (viewing only), please choose the By Function type.
Once one of these methods have been completed to share the device, the recipient only needs to log into their Star4Live account and the shared NVR should show automatically under their own device list.
How to Sign Up for Star4Live Account
Star4Live is the server that we use to view NVR and camera footage over the web. Each customer needs to have an account to view and manage their devices.
This is only valid for models: 2MT-4004, 2MT-2008, 2MT-4088, 2MT-4016, 2MN-8004-P4, 2MN-8008-P8, 2MN-8116-P16, 2MN-8232-P16 and our IP cameras.
- Go on https://www.star4live.com/login
- Click on Sign Up

- Clicking on this link will direct you to a new page that will prompt you to fill out information in order to create an account
- Username
- Email → Acquire: will send a code to the email entered
- Verification Code: code that was sent to email. NOTE: If you have not received anything in your inbox, please also check the Spam folder.
- Password
- Confirm Password
- Service Agreement

- Once all the information has been correctly filled out, click Register and your account will be ready to use.
How to Upgrade the Firmware
Every now and again, we will release a new firmware update that can either hold new features for your unit, bug fixes, or a bit of both. We have made it simple to request the newest firmware so that there is no need to wait for a file to be sent. First, you will need to make sure that your device is connected to the internet so that the NVR will be able to communicate with our servers.
Method 1: From the NVR Interface
Then you will go into the Main Menu and click on Maintain. There will be a section for Upgrade.
There are two options for upgrading:
- Local Upgrade: this option is only good if you already have the firmware file loaded onto either a USB to plug directly into the device or if you already have the firmware file in a location on the computer which you are using to upgrade the device
- Cloud Upgrade: this option is good if you do not already have the file on hand. It will automatically read the current version and detect if there is a newer version available
You will most likely want to choose the Cloud Upgrade option unless you have received the firmware file from Tech Support beforehand. Click Cloud Upgrade, and wait for the device to finish its search. It will either notify you that the current version is already the latest, or it will show a newer version, and the Upgrade button will highlight at the bottom of the screen.
The upgrade time will vary between 1-5 minutes, sometimes lasting longer depending on the size of the update. Once the update has finished, the device will automatically restart. It will be ready to use again once it has fully finished the reboot.
Note: Please make sure that the device does not disconnect from the network or from power because it can cause a risk in damaging the unit if there is a failed update.
Method 2: From the Web Interface
The NVR can be updated from its web page if there is no monitor connected to the unit, or if it cannot be physically accessed. From the web page, you will navigate to Setup → Maintenance → Maintenance → Cloud Upgrade → Detect or Check for Update. The process is the same as it is from the unit itself, and the same rules will apply.
How to Use Star4Live
Star4Live is the server that we use to view NVR and camera footage over the web. Each customer needs to have an account to view and manage their devices. You must use Internet Explorer in order to access all of the functions of Star4Live.
This is only valid for models: 2MT-4004, 2MT-4008, 2MT-4088, 2MT-4016, 2MN-8004-P4, 2MN-8008-P8, 2MN-8116-P16, 2MN-8232-P16 and our IP cameras.
- Using Internet Explorer, please go to https://www.star4live.com/login
- Login if you already have an existing account or Sign Up if you do not
- If you are using this site for the first time on a device, please make sure to install the P2P plugin. The website will show you a prompt at the top of the screen. Make sure to allow pop-ups on your browser because clicking on the link will open up a new window

- When you log into Star4Live, the first page that shows is the Device Management tab which will show My Cloud Devices. Here is where you can see the devices that have been added to your account, or any devices that have been shared with you under Devices Shared To Me

- In order to access a device’s web page, click on the Access icon

- If the P2P plugin has been installed, the NVR web page will display automatically when you access your device. If not, you will get an error that your device “Cannot be reached.”
- Once the web page has finished loading up, you will need to install another plugin to view the cameras’ live feed.
- After it has been installed there will be a pop-up on the bottom of the screen that will ask permission to allow the plugin to run. You will need to allow this.
What software do I use to view my cameras on my PC, and where can I download the software?
2M Station: 2MT-4004, 2MT-4008, 2MT-4088, 2MT-4016, 2MN-8004-P4, 2MN-8008-P8, 2MN-8116-P16, 2MN-8232-P16