How to Use Milesight 5G AIoT Camera

How to Use Milesight 5G AIoT Camera, Milesight 5G AIoT 4X/12X Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera is our newest member of the 5G series. Featuring cutting-edge 5G technology, the 5G AIoT Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera provides a fresh experience of UHD image quality, low latency and fast transmission speed in some scenarios where network wiring is inconvenient. Offering IoT technology, AI deep learning, compact structure and more, Milesight 5G AIoT Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera builds a whole new world by combining high-tech with high-performance

1. Introduction

(1) Introduction of 5G AIoT camera

Milesight 5G AIoT 4X/12X Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera is our newest member of the 5G series. Featuring cutting-edge 5G technology, the 5G AIoT Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera provides a fresh experience of UHD image quality, low latency and fast transmission speed in some scenarios where network wiring is inconvenient. Offering IoT technology, AI deep learning, compact structure and more,

Milesight 5G AIoT Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera builds a whole new world by combining high-tech with high-performance. IoT is an advanced function that allows to get information on any things that need to be monitored, connected, and interacted with in real-time via various technologies and devices, like sensors and RFID to smartly realize perceiving, recognizing, and managing things.

This article will introduce the basic configuration of the 5G AIoT camera so that you can quickly learn to use our 5G AIoT camera.

(2) Model

• Milesight 5G AIoT 4X/12X Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera
• Milesight 5G AI 4X/12X Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera
• Milesight 5G AI Motorized Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera

Here is the newest IOT camera firmware version:


2. How to set IoT

(1) Device Setting

Step 1: After logging into the web, go to “IoT“→ “Settings“→ “Radios Settings“. Check the checkbox “Enable IoT” and IoT function will be enabled automatically without clicking the save button.

s5vkp7lzv9zxzqqmzgyjt8jblnqdnyc jq

Please refer to the meaning of the options as follows:

g7 ezwiu2iwp8d 0iufp5ssp3saok21era 680w565h


Step 2: Configure Radios Settings.

Currently our IoT camera supports three IoT frequency bands of 915M (The corresponding channel plan is US915/AU915/KR920/AS923/AS923-2), 868M (The corresponding channel plan is IN865/EU868/RU864) and 470M (The corresponding channel plan is CN470). Before buying the camera, you need to contact our sales to choose the frequency band that is supported in your country.

For example, here I choose the IoT camera with the frequency bands of 915M or reference document regional parameters for LoRaWAN, and it will show that the current channel plan is US915 on the camera’s web.

Note: Usually you can directly use the default settings without configuring Radio Settings. If you need to customize some radio settings, you can make further settings as shown below.

[Radio Channel Settings]

vxnhfey2wzrgbe67d1762nnxbag9dfixxq 680w616h

Please refer to the meaning of the options as follows:

jlwfubryragsvo9k 7e4lblkaynieiibfq 680w377h

fe1tprbavctotfge3wqhhvaupwsgwmiyxq 680w324h

[Lora Channel Settings]

Please refer to the meaning of the options as follows:

te15q 3nq7bpj591z epgzfaa7k 4ben6q 680w426h

xepjb0h5qn2cpxdhmyzmq0 g9zguwsj6bw 680w402h

[FSK Channel Settings]

xe2smlrmfxboaiho9ppnas7pd2ygbqpzoa 680w266h

Please refer to the meaning of the options as follows:

lgroq06obileqw9x9icjtps7zsvjrk ugq 680w339h

ooqiou6fgw31ohcp2nlhbkmgkg l2uqyww 680w203h


The configurations here should be the same with those in End Device.


Step 3: Configure Profiles Settings.

Usually you can use the default settings without configuring Profiles Settings. If you need to customize some profiles settings, you can click the Profiles Settings button to make further settings and click Apply button, it will list the Device-profiles you created.

gnmddwphcclbs7qfi9skrsnykxjrpmsfqw 680w347h

Please refer to the meaning of the options as follows:

xndapy9gv ejxcbks9clxy dfnzfx4jjmw 680w284h

kpieayubhwaf49s xmmaawyo6jwtzgaovq 680w516h

ndoowwtvhpnpry54khjd9q3kscs9qeiu6g 680w501h

xz 9wv rfcqb8id5arxp4pa igrro yeog 680w268h


Step 4: Add and manage End Devices.

utmva91kceqwwcgztvztwwx0und1dd 6nw 680w

The camera web interface when select OTAA as Join Type of Device Profile

The camera web interface when select ABP as Join Type of Device Profile


Please refer to the meaning of the options as follows:

vnax9u1wdhtpvssjev8my69r0gyxtvz9aw 680w108h

hxcnd0fnxbehe0q5dvzjrjkcymp7qmajgg 680w552h

6chcsjeooh8bggkkue7d5gkyw4cdzl6z2q 680w560h

8x6azk2q766xlmehjeezznv9uwglpjvova 680w427h


① Device Name and Device EUI cannot be repeated.

② Device EUI, Application Key, Device Address, Network Session Key and Application Session Key should be consistent with the configuration of End Device.

③ Uplink Frame-counter and Downlink Frame-counter can be reset only in ABP mode.


Step 5: Sensor Settings. You can enter sensor configuration page by clicking bt5wpvlzmbwp6igcvh4 ycnk0jnukqhz g. After the configuration is finished, you can click ryto7swybkfk6f0pq slbdnbctvumgncgw to save your configuration or click lc3hewbiewx9zllz9nf cktm09 oyiityq to cancel your configuration.


bfc7glv8ocotflhwj ldobeyghnc185a 680w69h

pfjo1ldsr1 hfipqcd tmnug2gaj5abqga

0zvzw3yyn d4yu4sgaapd8drj7egfhk ha

Please refer to the meaning of the options as follows:

u8mp4pmwp6kyan5tjop6bhxjs8nk3clola 680w621h

cftbqgzjpguuganlpvg34itjugeaflcssq 680w375h

rhdq8mkmr3qztk4le7xiqgrgyde bispaq 680w601h

xdhtt 9lf2e2gq7cmhnet lys cnpct4ta 680w325h


①The channel ID and Sign should be consistent with those in End Device.

②Decimal Point Forward is set according to the properties of the sensor. For example, you need to set this value to 1 to get the correct temperature when using the Milesight temperature sensor.


Step 6: You can click

5akh10m9qddjvtcmnq1m 6srwftsgyda0g

to modify the configuration in Device Management.

ukg4pcfhrc5jk9gayugu9bueb9acdmhisg 680w


Step 7: You can click


to delete the device you added.

xpn1uzrdomn1 yyb20g3ea1ua77nrc33dg 680w104h


①About how to add IOT sensor, here we share videos for you:

Please noted that after adding sensor in the camera web page, you need use the ToolBox to add and restart the sensor, make it can receive data normally. And if you can not get correct value from the sensor, please try to reset the sensor in ToolBox and test again.

Here you can download the ToolBox:

②The sensor models that support IOT are as follows:

• AM107
• AM104
• AM307
• AM319
• EM300-TH
• EM300-MCS
• EM300-SLD
• EM300-ZLD
• EM500-Co2
• EM500-SMTC
• EM500-SMT
• EM500-UDL
• EM500-SWL
• EM500-PP
• EM500-LGT
• EM500-PT100
•       EM500-SWL

(2) Alarm Setting

scqbfbvstqzasjuzgqukjv8yg yg5hyfrg


Step 1: Select the alarm rule that you want to set and you can configure four kinds of rules.

Step 2: Check the checkbox to enable Alarm Rules.

Step 3: Click to select the sensor to alarm.

pze66l9aksy0qwsrbqervcpxamx8sx1b9w 680w340h

Step 4: Set threshold for the selected sensor.

When the data reaches the critical value, the alarms will be triggered. Both upper and lower thresholds are configurable. You can also only configure upper or lower threshold.

jxgqcmugw1b62frp93jggrfzi tjfwmsiw 680w441h

Step 5: Click  to set the alarm schedule for IoT.

fxjnfu pog4 rqsxiqxgfevecukc8leew 680w272h

Step 6: Set Alarm Action.

vtdcqecwk6h a fcorjowwzqugffom aba

Please refer to the meaning of the options as follows:

paevx0ntrjnbvqqwqx owkeovaqdqvotpa 680w670h

e2ljtdoom45nghzqtrtmbkqopuoxkr90xg 680w278h

yuxav3bp gfcjcxdejvfe9bidheyfanvug 680w326h


3. How to Configure 5G Camera

Step 1: Insert the SIM card into the SIM card slot at the bottom of the camera, as shown below:

fizjrrwd5upcvxshnqet0os qabgeeueha

Here is video about how to insert the SIM card:


① It supports Nano SIM for SIM card slot.

② For 5G camera, the SD card slot is inside the camera, as shown below:

mzvjpocnt8ixicee4jyhn wtjbfounxf q

Step 2: After logging into the web, go to “Network“→ “Basic“→ “Cellular“, you can check the cellular status and set the cellular settings here, as shown below.

lul2opn6h7gryukgdmxc2ikwwmmbgdudyq 221h


①If you use the 5G camera for the first time, it is necessary to connect the camera through the network port to access the webpage of the camera for basic configuration.

② If the SIM Card Status shows “No SIM Card,” this is generally because the camera is unable to detect the SIM card. It is recommended to reinsert the SIM card until it displays “connected” or “invalid” to indicate successful insertion.


Step3: Fill in the information provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to Cellular Settings interface, then click Save to access the network successfully.

u3h5gnc3bfh4wet06mntl15 9x3qxsfscq 325h

Please refer to the meaning of the options as follows:

rwjusnq9hz4ywfin tqi ek5vjqqczhhxw 680w145h

mkkilr9tkumethf6vlauscqie kttfx9ba 680w553h

chrm4yqmhe4zdbcwupjkyophierqc1klsq 680w477h


①For some Internet Service Provider, users only need to insert the SIM card directly to

access the 5G network without additional configuration.

②As long as the SIM card is inserted and cellular is enabled, it will consume the data of the SIM card. If there is live video streaming, it will consume more data.


Step4: After connecting to the network successfully, you can check the cellular status

information on Cellular Status interface, as shown below.

pimklujhwwk0gsfc7eqvyfbbrlk06vs55w 340h

Please refer to the meaning of the options as follows:

horjl w7ccymg77h1kgcakzteqmepufn3w 680w519h

psua6bwraohb65 ibvr1bvk6hddknwigfg 680w714h

Step 5: Set the schedule, the 5G network will take effect according to the schedule you set.


Step 6: After configuring the cellular settings, you also need to complete other basic configurations of the camera if needed, such as events, recordings, etc.

Step 7: After completing the basic settings of the camera, you can access the camera using 5G network without connecting the network cable.


· You can connect and configure the 5G camera to Milesight CMS via P2P.

· You can use 5G network to connect the 5G camera to Milesight VMS Enterprise, Milesight

CMS and M-sight Pro APP via P2P.

4. Compatibility between 5G AIoT Camera and Milesight Back-end

After completing the basic settings of 5G AIoT camera, you can access the camera through the Milesight back-end using 5G network without connecting the network cable.

• For Milesight CMS, it supports adding 5G camera via P2P using 5G network, and then the parameter of 5G and IoT can be configured.

hczy jmh1pfc 2j7hlsjcbqlw4p o4lmwa

5G Settings

uul7m3ngxjpx36ocuubztvfbykwjf2tnag 680w462h

71q ffahd8iaop0kskxj b7pl6qzoauedg 680w462h

IoT Settings

• For Milesight VMS Enterprise, it supports adding 5G camera via P2P using 5G network.
• For M-sight Pro APP, it supports adding 5G camera via P2P using 5G network.
• For Milesight IoT Cloud, it supports adding IoT Camera to Milesight IoT Cloud as a gateway, and then manages the sensor data on the cloud centrally.


Interface of IoT Camera


ighw1x3ayaazgcyfq6nps1y lqcnqtv3w

Interface of Milesight IoT Cloud



①For 5G camera, the P2P function will be activated by default as shown below.

ojvtzbvbwzny yppznrfxcwmsc55oqnmkw 680w

③If you don’t need to use the 5G network, you can connect to the camera through a network cable to use it.





———— END ————


Appendix 1


According to different regions, the default value and configurable range of the Center Frequency of Radio 0 are different, as follows:

Appendix 2


According to different regions, the default value and configurable range of the Center Frequency of Radio 1 are different, as follows:

qgs7c4bxq3rttrpz muetyp63vnfvbrp7w

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